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Monday, December 19, 2005

blog blurbs

I've decided that if i want people to go to my blogs then i should probably explain their merits.
non blond blog/blog from the bog is all about entertaining and offending [though only when nessesary] and ultimately provoking thought and conversation in this respect i suppose that makes it as original as that joke about the pope shitting in the woods, but none the less here it is.

nouveau post ma is the blog of what i hope will become a new art movement dedicated to moving forward, to creating something new [which may be imposible] to creating the future on the foundation of the past and escaping the false ideal of revolution which can move something forward but never moves forward itself.


Blogger Katiez Furry Mewz said...

"is all about entertaining and offending...and ultimately provoking thought and conversation in this respect i suppose that makes it as original as that joke about the pope sh**ting in the woods, but none the less here it is."

This little explanation about your blog from the bog is similar to what I'm doing with minem though I'm a mild mannered humorist... I let y'all fill in the blank with something stronger if you like... My idea of humor is letting the reader to some thinking...

So some of my entries are interspersed with glimpses into the state of reality... especially in my neck of the woods.


11:59 AM  
Blogger Katiez Furry Mewz said...

uhhmmm less typos if you please... Mr. Keyboard.

Thanks for understanding.

11:59 AM  
Blogger Phillip R Goodman said...

"My idea of humor is letting the reader to some thinking..."
why because the idea of the reader thinking is silly
[i don't think it is]
also what typos and whats a minem

8:05 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

lol.. only you could pull of blogging..about your blogs..and it still gets someones interest.

7:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lol. i made it sound as if your blogs were boring.. and blogging about it was twice as worse.. i didnt mean it that way. lol. You are an amazing writer

7:53 PM  

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